SAPPEAR Then press ENTER . enter the desired screen number. at a specified location, To re-enter a Project ADVANCED RE-ENTRY MENU.EXEANSWER WINDOWS Woe, Woe, Woe WINDOW ANSWER WINDOWS WINDOWANSWER 3. b WINDOW 2. c ANSWER 1. d WINDOW ANSWER 11:15 9:13 9:1 8:12 8:10 8:8 8:7 R-ENTRR-SCRNMENUEXITAWINDOPress F1 for Answer WindowPress ENTER to continue. Press ENTER to return to DOS. END OF PROJECT 081: Four Trumpets Blowing, Revelation 8 * * * * * disasters such as pollution, acid rain, and the like. of nature. John is not foreseeing ecological imbalance and NOTE: do not take literally the destruction of one-third spell this out in more detail. the world: disaster to the powers of evil. Later visions will has brought great disaster upon a large segment (one-third) of together they affirm that the coming of Christ and the gospel human race. The first four are similar in form and content; earthly ministry of Jesus continues to have effect upon the These four trumpets begin to show, symbolically, how the d. ___ No, these trumpets must be from the devil not from God. be eliminated. c. ___ Yes, the goodness of God requires that all non-goodness to the human race. b. ___ No, one cannot think that God would send repeated woe evil is to be destroyed. a. ___ Yes, there is a kind of violence which must happen if should presage, even produce, woe? 2. Is it consistent with the nature of God that these trumpets ________, ________, _________ three trumpets yet to sound? 1. What three things does the eagle shout, corresponding to the the last three trumpets to provide gory pickings. is another at the end: a scavenger waiting in the sky for F. Just as there was a pause at the beginning of chapter 8, thereScreen # 7 f. the effect which Jesus' ministry has upon human life. e. God's plan and purpose for human destiny. occurs as a consequence of the ministry of Jesus. d. that great destruction to a large segment of the world c. the seventh seal. in causing this upheaval. b. the effort of Christians for the gospel is instrumental a. Jesus. CONCLUSIONS incense) suggests that .... 6. ___ The immediately preceding context (prayer mixed with 5. ___ The first four trumpets suggest, symbolically, ... 4. ___ The opening of the seals points to .... 3. ___ The person who is opening the seals is .... 2. ___ The seventh seal is on a scroll which symbolizes .... 1. ___ The seven trumpets are the contents of .... OPENING SENTENCES Match the opening sentences with their conclusions. the setting in which these trumpets are blown. E. In order to discover what all this means, we need to recallScreen # 6 4. ___ The fourth trumpet d. affect earth, trees, grass 3. ___ The third trumpet c. affect the sea 2. ___ The second trumpet b. affect rivers and springs 1. ___ The first trumpet a. affect sun, moon, and stars D. Match. 4. ___ They bring great disaster to earth. 3. ___ They bring great blessings to earth. 2. ___ They effect one-third of their objects. 1. ___ They affect the entire earth. Select one or more (x to select, ENTER to bypass). C. The first four trumpets have the following traits in common:Screen # 5 and incredible things happen in the history of humanity. doing about it? Then God's power is joined with our power saying: Well, this is what you are praying for, what are you with divine power and is hurled back to us, as if God is The residue of our prayers, after purification, is ignited function within the comprehensive plan and purpose of God. In this vision John sees how the prayers of Christians * * * HOMILY * * * human society. upheavals which the gospel (and our prayers) make in d. ___ The thunder, lightning, and earthquake symbolize the c. ___ God answers our prayers by sending them back to us. b. ___ God does pay attention to our (purified) prayers. before gaining access to God. a. ___ Our prayers are flawed and need to be purified vision. Select one or more (x to select, ENTER to bypass). 7. Now consider the symbolism and interpretation of this Screen # 4 d. ___ Storms and upheavals in nature. c. ___ Unhappiness and fear. b. ___ Social unrest. a. ___ Nothing significant. 6. What effect does the ignited mixture have on earth? d. ___ Nothing more is said about it. c. ___ God stores it in his memory. b. ___ The angel imbibes it. a. ___ The angel hurls it back to earth (to us). Select one or more. 5. What happens to the ignited mixture? d. ___ The mixture slowly evaporates. c. ___ The mixture dissipates. b. ___ The mixture is ignited. a. ___ The mixture comes before God. prayer? Select one or more (x to select, ENTER to bypass) 4. What happens in heaven to the mixture of incense andScreen # 3 d. ___ To spiritualize them. c. ___ To disguise them. b. ___ To purify them. a. ___ To sweeten them up. incense of heaven? 3. Why, in your judgment, must our prayers be mixed with the d. ___ visions c. ___ prayers b. ___ potions a. ___ aromatics 2. With what is the smoke of the incense mixed? (8:1-5) d. ___ none of the above c. ___ one hour b. ___ one minute a. ___ one second 1. How long is the pause after the seventh seal is opened? during which another angel offers incense before the throne. B. The description of the seven trumpets is preceded by a pauseScreen # 2 7. ______ The seventh trumpet 6. ______ The sixth trumpet 5. ______ The fifth trumpet 4. ______ The fourth trumpet 3. ______ The third trumpet 2. ______ The second trumpet 1. ______ The first trumpet and therefore take up much more space to describe. the trumpets produce more complex consequences than others, describes the blowing of each trumpet. Note that some of A. Find and enter the reference (chapter and verse) whichScreen # 1 PROJECT 080: Screens 1 - 7 Press F5 then ENTER for advanced ReENTRy. Press F4 then ENTER to Restart SCReeN. Press F3 then ENTER for Project MENU. Press F2 then ENTER to return to DOS. Press F1 then ENTER for Answer WINDOw. The menu at the bottom of the screen means: HELP Revelation 8 READING FOR THIS PROJECT ( Screens 1 - 7 ) FOUR TRUMPETS BLOWING PROJECT 080 Trumpets of Judgment. the first four Project 080 will examine ta Exercise